If you work in an office or a place where you share the refrigerator with co-workers; then undoubtedly at one point someone has ate something of yours. Maybe they took a piece of cheese, or a sandwich or one of those frozen food meals. This is almost worse than the office thief who STOLE my Ray Bans or the $5.00 bill out of a cubicle. I say this at is a bit more personal; heck starting by 10 am you were just hoping the time would fly by so you can eat your left over BBQ chicken or last night’s Chinese take out. Then you walk the long walk long with a smile on your face just thinking about how good that Subway sandwich is going to be. Then BAM like you just got hit in the gut; your food or your diet Pepsi is no longer in the fridge! You dig around thinking maybe it got moved as no one would take something they did not put in the fridge right? There is absolutely no way someone would eat half your cheese stick and stick the other half back in the fridge.
This to me is not rocket science; only eat what you put into the fridge. If you forget what you bring between 8am and noon when eat then you probably just need to retire. However please do not ever tell me “I am sorry there was no name on it” I hate that response more than anything. If you did not put that item in the fridge then do not take it out whether there is a name on it or not. I am sure any Friends fans out there will remember the episode where Ross had the complete melt down because a co worker ate his special Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. They played that perfectly because whether or not you have a complete breakdown or not you are shocked by the fact that somebody would take something of little to no value to them. So please in the future only take what belongs to you; it would seem like that would not be so hard to do. Thank you for your attention to thisJ!
On another note this is Valentine’s Day and I would like to say I hope all of you have a great day! I would wish that you all treat your significant other as well tomorrow as you will today. I would like to take a moment to tell my wife of almost 18 years that I love her and that no I do not love her the same today as I did yesterday or even 18 years ago for that matter. She always finds a way to make me love her more and more as time passes. I know for a fact that I am not worthy of the love she has for me and it makes me appreciate it even more and more. So here is to hoping that between now and the next Valentine’s Day our love grows even more!
Until next time …..living the dream one day at a time as the world turns.
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