Tuesday afternoon and thank goodness it is a short week for me this week. I will be golfing on Friday instead of sitting here in my zone of happiness. Will I miss it; probably about as much as I miss watching the State of the Union address when I was a kid and there were only 5 channels and the president were on every one.
Kind of crazy; between last week and this week I have worked very hard to make sure I was completely on top of all my work. I feel like I can get away with more when all my work is done. It is kind of a good feeling; kind of like when you were told to clean your room and you actually did it and not just hid stuff in the closet. Speaking of cleaning my desk is about as clean as it will get. I did not feel like taking pictures so you will have to take my word or it.
So I have to say; I am not overly motivated to write this today. The office has been pretty quiet for the most part; I have heard the typical conversations. However nothing note worthy nothing that can even bring a smile to my face. I am thinking because I have not felt real ornery today. You know sometimes I have to get people going for my entertainment for the day. I did not sleep well last night and in fact have been awake since about 2:30. Somehow the sleep bone is connected to my funny bone! Where did my sarcasm run off to, is my quick wit hiding under the bed? I feel naked without these two weapons of mass destruction; maybe they are hiding with the nuclear bombs in Iraq ? Who knows so I am attempting to write this blog without my two main sources of inspiration? It seems like I am just writing one long run on sentence; I feel like Clark Kent when he gave up his Superman powers (in the original).
With this said I am going to leave on a joke….
How do you get a nun pregnant? …wait I cannot tell that one as it is not real family friendly. So in that case as I do not know any family friendly jokes; I will call it a day. Hopefully tomorrow I will come back with a vengeance; maybe I will have an amazing conversation with somebody and it must be told? Maybe the place will be back to normal tomorrow and it will be loud and chaotic again in this place? Maybe I will sleep like a baby and find my wit and my superpowers!!
How do you get a nun pregnant? …wait I cannot tell that one as it is not real family friendly. So in that case as I do not know any family friendly jokes; I will call it a day. Hopefully tomorrow I will come back with a vengeance; maybe I will have an amazing conversation with somebody and it must be told? Maybe the place will be back to normal tomorrow and it will be loud and chaotic again in this place? Maybe I will sleep like a baby and find my wit and my superpowers!!
Until next time….living the dream one day at a time as the world turns.
Maybe you will find your Muse... lol... keep up the good work...