Wednesday, January 26, 2011

say it aint so:(

I have now officially written and deleted two fully written blogs. I was thinking I would share something I wrote a long time ago; then I read some of my stuff and realized it was not as good as my memory made it out to be. Plus they were either down right depressing or something I wrote so I could read in the youth group at church, ha and nobody cares to read that stuff. Funny thing is that I for some reason thought I was better than that?

So here at the office the mood has been fairly somber over the course of the first few days of this week. There is nobody laughing at the top of their lungs; nobody fighting over the last piece of pie or where the forks went it has the feeling of an actual office. A work place where you go and get your work done and head home to complain about your day; place where the weather is the most exciting topic to discuss. It is losing what made this place a cool place to work; it is losing that “bad news bears” feeling. There is no way this can last…right? There is no way that people can just continue to bury themselves in the zone of happiness!  Are people depressed because their New Years Resolutions are a fading memory like being able to see their toes? Oh yes a fat guy making a fat joke; I think that technically allows me to do so. This place used to a bunch of misfits coming together for a common cause, a place where everybody knows your name? Ok not as fun as the neighbor hood bar but still; with the silence there is nobody for me to complain about. A quick side note; this must be what it is like for people to complain of the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter. It is never just right; have I become one of them? Do I want it loud when I want it loud and quiet when I want it quiet? Well the simple answer is of course; why not want for what makes you happy. If a week of 95 degrees followed by a week 55 degrees is what you want; then I say go get it!
So my point is other than a lady telling the same story 10 times about her grown up baby girl just got accepted to a college; the guy talking about politics like he wrote the constitution or the lady asking to see a pregnant ladies stomach there has not been much in the way of entertainment?
So I guess for now I will roll with changes as there is something I am certain of; some people can attempt to change their ways for short stints of time; however in the long run I will get my entertainment back and then I will complain about that. Call me selfish, call me completely self involved just don’t ever call me boring!
This picture of a sign is what our office is becoming…and I am not happy about it!!

Until next the dream one day at a time as the world turns.

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