Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today I come clean about my addicition...

I have a confession to make; please brace yourselves as this may come as a shock to you.
I have an addiction and it dates back several years now; I am thinking about 20 years give or take. I think it is time for me to come clean; I cannot get enough reality TV there I said it! The monkey has been lifted off my back; I feel a ton lighter as I get this confession out there. It started back when I was watching “The Real World” on a channel that used to show music videos called MTV.  I was fascinated by the bringing together the different races and personalities and to see them make fools of themselves. It was pure entertainment, almost like going to the zoo and seeing these strange animals. I was never really around people so out there growing up; most of my friends were pretty reserved growing up in a church. MTV started showing stupid game shows and dancing shows with women that did not wear a lot of clothes. Again entertainment to the max; they found the recipe before the other channels jumped on.
Then came along Survivor and it had one of its contestants walking around naked the very first year. You could tell the producers were really starting to understand the different dynamics of different people being forced to live in the same area for 60 some odd days. Then off course came along big brother and a slew of many other reality game shows or just reality shows. American Idol of course was the start of the talent shows/ reality TV I was hooked when I started watching the second season and continue to watch today. Then came along the cooking competition shows from Hell’s kitchen on Fox which through together chefs in a house for months all with egos the size of Texas and of course the Gordon Ramsey yelling at them all the time. Brilliant entertainment and as the seasons go on they continue to find dumber and dumber people to put on the show. I can only imagine the reason is that they have realized this makes for amazing TV. All these programs on all the different stations bring more and more competition to all these stations. It also brings better and better entertainment value to the junkies such as me.
However I believe they have finally reached the peak in putting people on a TV and having them be “themselves”. I can only imagine shows like Jersey Shore and my favorite Jerseylicous are coached on things to do, act and say. I however do not care one bit, these shows have inspired a new idea. I believe these people should be put out on live shows and in cages if necessary. I would love to pet the hair on these women and have a conversation with this guys with arms the size of a python and the brains of what appears to be a peanut. How entertaining this culture from New Jersey is amazing to me; I am pretty sure New Jersey remains in the United States however they are like no people I have ever been around. They are my new hero; they are the reason that New Jersey is now my number one vacation destination. I no longer need to see New York or Ireland or Hawaii; just send me to a hair salon in Jersey and let me watch the interaction with these aliens right here from America. They are the reason I am proud to be an addict of reality TV; they are the pinnacle of entertainment. When I announced my addiction it was not the start of a 12 step program to get me on the wagon of the CSI shows. It was a declaration that I have a problem and am proud to announce to the world. I would however recommend to the rest of you out there not to sample the greatness of reality TV unless you are willing to take the chance of being a junky like me. As people; scratch that as ignorant people put on TV. God Bless America and the people in it that are placed here for my entertainment.

Until Next time ….living the dream one day at a time as the world turns.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A tribute to man in the tie...

Well it has been a full week since I last wrote; the last couple of weeks were pure misery. I was like a walking zombie here at the office just going through file after file. When you reach that point nothing is funny not even the 4 hour seminar where we were supposed to be inspired to answer our phones and not let them go to voice mail. Seriously a sales coach was teaching us to be positive and to answer our phones and to be the best we can be. The speaker was entertaining and had I not been a zombie he might have been slightly funny. Although I honestly do not see that as any help for our jobs here; he is in sales that is what he does and that is almost polar opposite from what I do here. I however will give my company props for attempting to inspire and motivate I found the idea behind it to be much more inspiring then the actual seminar itself.

Well we have another sad moment here at the office as “the man in the tie” is moving on to work for another company. We will miss his antics around here as he inspired us to….
Well never mind but he did entertain us but I must say I am happy for the man and wish him nothing but the best.
This does leave a hole here in the office and things may get all unbalanced; I am afraid that the annoying people will way outweigh the fun and funny people. The air talking will reach levels never heard by man kind; the sighs will reach the level of the great Charlie Brown and I am afraid the office will look that much uglier with the snazzy ties and cuffed sleeves and the unbuttoned top button on the shirt like he was in a 1980 movie.
We will be outnumbered now as the brown noser will take center stage; as nobody could stop the air talking and the brown nosing better with carefully placed dig. His sarcasm was always perfectly timed and his view points of the office here always had me rolling.
So I guess we will have to see who steps up and takes his place as I prefer to keep in the shadows and out of the spot light. I prefer to keep my jabs silent but if somebody does not rise to the occasion I may have to put on my Clark Kent disguise and take the roll on. We cannot let the evil and the annoying overtake us fun loving and work when we have to types. I for one will stand up for what is right………..will you??

Until next time…….living the dream one day at a time as the world turns.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Who stole my food and a bit of sap thrown in for my baby!

If you work in an office or a place where you share the refrigerator with co-workers; then undoubtedly at one point someone has ate something of yours. Maybe they took a piece of cheese, or a sandwich or one of those frozen food meals. This is almost worse than the office thief who STOLE my Ray Bans or the $5.00 bill out of a cubicle. I say this at is a bit more personal; heck starting by 10 am you were just hoping the time would fly by so you can eat your left over BBQ chicken or last night’s Chinese take out. Then you walk the long walk long with a smile on your face just thinking about how good that Subway sandwich is going to be. Then BAM like you just got hit in the gut; your food or your diet Pepsi is no longer in the fridge! You dig around thinking maybe it got moved as no one would take something they did not put in the fridge right? There is absolutely no way someone would eat half your cheese stick and stick the other half back in the fridge.
This to me is not rocket science; only eat what you put into the fridge. If you forget what you bring between 8am and noon when eat then you probably just need to retire. However please do not ever tell me “I am sorry there was no name on it” I hate that response more than anything. If you did not put that item in the fridge then do not take it out whether there is a name on it or not. I am sure any Friends fans out there will remember the episode where Ross had the complete melt down because a co worker ate his special Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. They played that perfectly because whether or not you have a complete breakdown or not you are shocked by the fact that somebody would take something of little to no value to them. So please in the future only take what belongs to you; it would seem like that would not be so hard to do. Thank you for your attention to thisJ!

On another note this is Valentine’s Day and I would like to say I hope all of you have a great day! I would wish that you all treat your significant other as well tomorrow as you will today. I would like to take a moment to tell my wife of almost 18 years that I love her and that no I do not love her the same today as I did yesterday or even 18 years ago for that matter. She always finds a way to make me love her more and more as time passes. I know for a fact that I am not worthy of the love she has for me and it makes me appreciate it even more and more. So here is to hoping that between now and the next Valentine’s Day our love grows even more!

Until next time … the dream one day at a time as the world turns.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

She just got blogged!

I am sitting here trying to focus on getting this job done; head phones are on and I am listening to the Dan Patrick show. However somehow the outside world here at the office pierces right through the radio show I am listening to and this horrible shrieking with no real purpose just totally ruins my momentum. It was at this point I decided to write this today and this woman has earned the wrath of my blog! As I now call it; she is officially blogged! This lady has always interrupted conversations and she has always butted in where she does not belong; however in what should be the quiet hours here at the office she is not interrupting my thoughts. The quiet hours as I like to call it is between 7am and 9am where my phone is not ringing off the hook, I am not being asked about bills being processed or a person telling me I do not understand how much pain they are in and how I just do not care.  There is no earthly reason for her to talk and I mean ever. In the two years I have known this lady; I have never walked away and learned something new from her. I have never thought to myself; wow now that was an interesting conversation. Not the time she asked me if I was making coffee as I was pouring the water into the coffee pot and not the time she was attempting to explain her “Mexican chili pasta”. Certainly not this morning and of course I am not even having a conversation with her; she is carrying on her own conversation. Now we all talk to ourselves from time to time, usually a slight whisper or just a thought that you let slip out of your mouth. However do you talk, no scratch that; do you shriek so loud to yourself that you want everybody within a 5 mile radius to hear you? I am quite surprised our windows have not broken from the high pitch noise that comes out of her mouth. If she needs to talk to herself; is there a reason she cannot just whisper to herself. I wonder if she thinks somebody is going to jump right into the conversation with her. I do feel sorry for this lady; trust me I have made a fool of myself and regretted things I have said many times in my life. Thank goodness this does not happen ever day. In her case she could talk to her stuffed animal Odie, the office pet and that would be way less annoying.
This morning I was in my supervisor’s office telling her how glad I was that she has been coming in early this week so she could hear what I hear on a regular basis. Right as I am doing this she walks right into the office and sits down and starts talking literally as words are coming out of my mouth. I do not even know how to respond to this; so I just stop in mid sentence and walk out of the office. I hope maybe she will get the hint; however I am pretty sure she is just too oblivious to understand. As I wrote yesterday; I work here and it continues to be my choice to stay here so I will just grin and bare it and turn my head phones up louder. 
Ok, now that I got that off my chest maybe I can get back to work. This is supposed to be my short week however I will be here slaving away on Friday instead taking my day off. That is the kind of guy that I am super dedicated and in love with my 4x4 zone of happiness.
Thanks for checking in and reading as I just had to vent this morning. It helps me keep as sane as I can; well if I have any sanity left!

Until next time…… the dream one day at a time as the world turns.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Don't you forget about me....

I guess it has been going on two weeks since I last wrote a blog. I have been super busy and a lack of sleep tends to take out the creative side of me; also nothing seems funny. The voices here in the office start wear on my nerves; I start thinking about career choices. Is it too late for me to start over; does anybody need a lazy employee with no real talents? That was not rhetorical; do you want to hire me? I promise if it is manual labor to work at a snails pace; I can type about 50 or so words a minute. Can I have a cubicle bigger than my 4 x 4 zone of happiness? I don’t know maybe push it to like 6x6; also while I am making employment demands can you please take all the annoying people out of my new office? Not sure I want to hear shrieking voices and I also prefer to not walk past stinky people in the hall ways. Any chance you can make sure there is not someone in the office that leaves piles of chalk every time they leave the restroom? We can discuss my pay rate privately; just know that promise to give at least a 50% effort every day for you!
Ok; never mind while writing this I have decided to stay here.
I will tell you why; the air talker is singing Happy Birthday to somebody through the phone. Some of the ladies; decided to decorate my cubicle for me as they know I would laugh my arse off. See the picture below as I am sure this is a tribute to the office decorator. I actually do a pretty good job here; if I talked about how brilliant I was I am thinking it may sound cocky? LOL Ok so in reality I somewhere in the middle of lazy and brilliant and sometimes even at the same time.

On another topic; I have been working on some other writing. Who knows once it is complete it may be made public? I have not yet decided; I do know it is a long and winding road to get it done.

Also can I talk a minute about weight loss and this ongoing battle? When I was in high school I was a skinny kid played basketball and I never thought I would end up battling weight for the rest of my life. I know this is not funny; but always worrying what I am eating or drinking and how am I going to make up for it later. Do I promise I will go and exercise it off? As I eat the French fry I say ok for dinner I will only eat steamed veggies.
It is a battle now I have dealt with ever since I was about 19; btw 19 seems to get further and further in the rear view mirror.
Well that is about all I have for today; I just wanted to make the time to write something as I did not want you to forget about me.

Until next the dream one day at a time as the world turns.